
Les Villages

We visited 6 villages in the Tambacounda region : Kouthiakoto, Kalibirom, Salibirom, Paniates Diem Weli, Sinthiou Diokhe, Djida, to introduce gum producers to Manobi's system. Our partner organization USAID provided transport, and translators.

The people out here speak Pullar or Babmara - but they still appreciated my 15 odd words of Wolof. The digital camera was also a big hit.

In each village we arrived to talk to the gum producers - men and women who harvest karaya gum from trees in their area. As we talked to these people the whole village began to gather, to listen, to look at us, to see the PDAs. Kids would jump back a few feet if I looked straight at them, but warmed up pretty quickly once I showed them their own photo.
We took photos of each producer individually for our web database, and also got the chance to take some group photos at the end.

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